Why I don't like data collection and what I'm doing about it.

I don't love data collection.  There.  I said it.  And I meant what I said.  I love the result of collecting the data- the IEP's that basically write themselves, the clear and concise communication with the IEP team, and of course.....staying compliant.  But I don't love the actual collection process.  

I would much rather spend my time creating and teaching engaging lessons and creating positive relationships with my students. Those relationships and engagement are what keep me from burning out and tossing the latest IEP writing manual out of the window.

Which brings me to my digital BFF, Google Forms.  I've taught elementary through high school, resource and self contained, face to face and virtual (on purpose, not because of COVID).  And one thing that stays the same is how Google Forms SAVE MY ACTUAL SANITY ON THE REGULAR.  

So here are a few ways I've found to streamline data collections and communication using Google Forms:

Here's to working smarter not harder and having time to do what's most important:  TEACH KIDS!